Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Diaries of a Rock Star

Because you don't want to hear about me playing ukulele, and because that is all I do anymore, here is a random posting for you.
I will always be the first person to defend Conor Oberst. He is a genius. A mad, blubbering genius. But this, this is just ridiculous.
There are confirmed excerpts from his official, "friends only" Livejournal account that I stumbled upon today. Unfortunately I can't seem to find the way to access it and read more, and this was posted a long time ago, but I laughed for a good minute while reading these. I'll commentate in bold...

December 19th, 2004

...6am and the bathroom tile is freezing. The mirror betrays the awful truth of my being. i try to wash the misery off, but softsoap can't cleanse me of my misfortune [Nothing like product placement to kill poetic blogging]. sleep is so hard to find. maybe if i do another line? my heart is exploding with the joy and pain of the universe! or maybe that's the coke....[Most definitely the coke.]

January 7th, 2005

...winter has come and the bathroom tile is freezing. i'm drowning in fame and choking on my memories. new york is big and hard [...that's what she said]. nebraska is gone, across an ocean of regret, the smile on my face hasn't come back yet. winona called when i was drunk[Judd?!]. reality bites. today i should do something productive. i think i'll go shopping for jeans. or write an album. maybe it could be called, "i got the blues, but i need blue jeans"[...]. that's good. i'm so tired of all the fake people here. why isn't anybody real. omaha? somewhere in middle america. that was real["...buuuuuuuuut coke was harder to find."]...

March 29th, 2005

...i am balled up in my shower, crying, and the bathroom tile is freezing[...sigh]. i must let go of rock and roll before it kills me. who could possibly have the strength to handle my life[Oh come on now, being a drug addict is only hard if you're poor]? if the women don't kill me, the cocaine will. happiness is an impossibility. it is but an illusion, created to torment the simple songwriters of the world! i just want to play paddycakes with jill cooper, that girl from 4th grade who wore flowers in her hair. we could sing raffi and laugh at the absurdity of all things real and imagined[Creepy!]! the drugs aren't working, mommy. please take this pain away. i want a falafel. and happiness[ditto]...

1 comment:

  1. Ditto. Ditto ditto.

    That's what she said .... Really abs... Really?
